Friday, August 19, 2011

Summer vacation... FINALLY!

Now that it has been about 3 weeks since Nationals in Chicago, I am finally rested and ready to keep updating! It has been a whirlwind since the pageant, even though it was supposed to be a sudden halt into nothingness!

Nationals was a BLAST! And I will always remember the experiences I had there. Miss NC and I had gotten very close and even had a relaxing weekend 2 weeks later! Since the pageant, I have been on vacation with my family in Las Vegas. This was fun, but not relaxing... at all! I needed a beach on a serene island after being in heels and happy for a whole week! I even spent the entire day after arriving home from a long day at the airport, in my bed. It was AWESOME! I also spent the last 3 weeks enjoying all of my favorite foods, but now it is back to the grind of making sure I am eating right.

I am currently getting ready to head back to college for my senior year! I can't believe it. And what better way to spend it than as Miss South Carolina?

Backing up a week, Miss North Carolina, Brittney Clark came to my house for the weekend last weekend to visit! We had an awesome time! We got feathers in our hair on Friday and went to an event, then I showed her how to ride horses on Saturday and we took a nice boat ride on the lake! Sunday was a fun day of shopping, even though it only lasted for an hour.

Monday I am meeting with an organization that I will be helping with in September. So look for more updates soon! 

Miss South Carolina
Chelsea Rae