This weekend has been EXTREMELY busy; however, very rewarding. Sunday I was able to speak to the youth at Swannanoa First Baptist. This was a lot of fun! I got asked some classic off the wall questions such as my favorite nike tennis shoes, funny childhood stories, and if I got to meet the President! The group of kids were awesome! I was able to speak a little bit about me and my struggles I've faced throughout my life and some advice as a fellow teenager. At the end of the lesson I left them with three tips: Stay in the word and have a relationship with God, Be a light and surround yourself with christian friends, and be a committed christian. I also left them with this verse:
"Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self?"
-Luke 9:23-25
When I read this verse I recognize it as a challenge to christians. Often times we get caught up in the stress, desires, and wants of this world we forget our purpose. We get lost in its madness and distracted by other things that we don't pause to thank God for what he has blessed us with. I, myself, am extremely guilty of this. I've been caught up in preparing for nationals and the competition itself to reflect on the blessings and purpose God has put me in the position I'm currently in. Its not about beauty, its not about who has the best dress, or the strongest platform, but rather the representation of who blessed us with our title and the lives we can potentially impact. One thing I said in interview that will be my motto for the rest of my life is if I impact just one persons life in a positive way wether its bringing a smile to their face or introducing them to hope from our Savior then, my job is done. Regardless of what title God blesses me with, I know my crown in heaven that I will have the opportunity to lay at the foot of His throne is far greater than any crown I can ever win on this earth.
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